Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Get the Folder Tree and Read HTML Files in Python

Hi All,

This might be really stupid, but it was kind of useful for me. I downloaded some templates for a website and I wanted to open them all in Chrome at once. Going to the folders again and again is not that interesting,right? So here's a simple python script that will help to read all the index.html files from the main folder you have saved your templates.

import os
import webbrowser

print "Index File Reader"
print "*"*20

folderPath = "C:\Website Templates"
fileTreeTuple = os.walk(folderPath)

for root, dirs, files in fileTreeTuple:
    for fileName in files:
        if fileName == "index.html" or fileName == "index.htm":
            fullPath = os.path.join(root,fileName)
            print fullPath

Thank You :-)

Reference :

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