Tuesday, December 10, 2024

How to Remove Box Search Hot Key

If you are using Box Drive as your cloud storage, then you might have experienced if you enter the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B, then it would open the Box Search dialog.

This could conflict with some of your other short cut keys. For me it conflicts with Notepad++ XML Formatter shortcut key which I use a lot. In this tutorial I'll show you how to disable this shortcut key. For this you need to have privileges to edit Registry entries in Windows. 

1. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Box\Box registry entry

2. Create a new DWORD registry key named GlobalHotKeyCharacter and set the value to 0

3. Restart Box Drive

Now your Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B shortcut would not interfere with your other applications. 

Hope this helps. 

Reference : https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/12690900293651-Remove-or-change-box-drive-shortcut-key


Monday, December 2, 2024

How to Pair Your Free Wolf M87 Dual Mode Wireless Keyboard

 Your budget keyboard might come in different names like, Free Wolf, Attack Shark, Ziyou Lang etc. If you have lost your user manual ( just like me ) and unable to pair your keyboard with your machine, then here's the help. 

Check if the back of your keyboard looks like the above image. Then these steps should work for you. 

If you are connecting the keyboard using the 2.4 GHz Wireless receiver, then you don't have to worry. It should be plug and play, nothing to worry. 

If you are trying to pair the keyboard to two other devices using Bluetooth, then you should follow these steps. 

1. Flip the switch to BT1 or BT2 position

2. Press FN + ESC 

3. Now depending on BT1 or BT2 you selected, the Scroll Lock (Scr) indicator LED or Battery indicator LED should start blinking rapidly.

4. Now you should be able to discover your keyboard under your Bluetooth devices and pair it with your PC. 

Hope this helps somebody (just like me who wasted few hours without a clue)


Friday, July 16, 2021

How to Take a Heap Dump from Tomcat : Windows

 Hi All, 

This post is to quickly check how to take a heap dump from Tomcat running on Windows machine. 

  1. First open a command prompt running as Administrator
  2. First we have to find the process ID of running Tomcat. For that it would be easy to know the Tomcat running port. In my case it's 8081. Therefore I'll execute the following command. 

    > netstat -ano | findstr 8081

  3. Create a folder to store the dump file
  4. Execute the following command.

     jmap -dump:file=E:\dump\myheapfump.hprof -F <process_id>

  5. Now you can analyze the heapdump using a tool like eclipse memory analyzer 

Hope that helps, 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Useful Docker Commands for Beginners

Hi Everyone, 

Being a newbie to docker, I thought of sharing some useful commands running docker. 

  1. List the images
    sudo docker image ls

  2. List the running containers
    sudo docker container ls

  3. Build and tag a docker image
    sudo docker build -t <name_of_the_image> . 

  4. Run a docker image
    sudo docker run -p 8888:8080 <name_of_the_image>

  5. Check the java version running on a container

    First list the containers using
    sudo docker container ls
    Then execute the following command to check the running java version of the container. You have to use the container id obtained from the previous output.
    sudo docker exec <container_id> java -version

  6. Delete Container
    sudo docker container rm <container_id>

  7. Delete Image
    sudo docker image rm <image_id>

Hope it helps.

How to Share a Folder Between VirtualBox and Windows

Hi Everyone,

In order to share a folder between VirtualBox and Windows, we have to follow the following steps.

1. Install Guest Additions. You can do this by clicking on the following menu item, once the virtual machine is started up.

2. Create a folder in your Windows machine and then share it with your virtual machine. Go to machine settings -> Shared Folders -> Add new Shared Folder.

Make sure to click on Auto-mount and Make Permanent check boxes.

3. Restart the Virtual Machine. Now you can see the shared folder added. However still you can't access the shared folder.

4. Shared folder is owned by the vboxsf user group. You can check this by checking the properties of the folder.

5. Add the current user to vboxsf group using the following command.

  • sudo adduser vboxsf

6. Now restart the VM and you'll be able to share files between the VM and the Host through this folder.

Hope it helps.
